
I don't really know why I can't sleep, I just can't relax and just lay my head down on the pillow.

Anyway while i'm up I can tell you that I was at a job interview the day before yesterday  (tuesday) and it went really well so i'm 99% sure that I will get it =) it's at a restaurant just outside Karlstad so it will require that I use the car but I mean it's so nice out there so I don't really care.

Right now i'm listening to a great song from Linkin Park that's called Somwhere I Belong and right now it feels like a very good song of choice since in some of my thoughts I really wonder, where do I belong?

We try our best to be nice to you and we offer you the thing you want the most

But instead you chase after something you know will hurt you deeply

You get hurt time after time and still you can't turn your back on it

And while you're taking the steps and fall we stand down here to catch you

We support you and help you up on your feet again

But in a matter of time you climb up to give it another try, only to fall again

It's hard for us to support you when we see you make the same mistake over and over

You say you know what will happen and still you do it

Sometimes I really wonder if you listen what we tell you

Or are we just supposed to stand by and watch you fall every time?

Maybe we're not as interesting as them?

Maybe we're to soft for you?

Maybe we just don't belong here right now?


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