Why can't I ever ask for it?
Well the dinner turned out as follows: pork fillet, potatoballs and mushroom sauce, it was soo good I almost ate the whole fillet but I saved some for tomorrow so I can enjoy it again, moaha! Sad that me and two friends didn't hang out tonight though but sometimes things change and it's nothing to be bothered with, next time it might be me that gets other plans. I feel a little bit bad though not inviting one of them who didn't really have any plans for tonight when she actually called me and we just talked. I mean how stupid can you get? I didn't have any plans either other than to cook a good meal and just sit in the sofa and I had the food so I could've just invited her but no I figure that out after I had been shopping some groceries and then she had only made up a plan for the evening. The worst thing is when I sit here now I feel a little bit alone but I only have myself to blame for that. Well time to get some sleep soon, just going to read the news and check around for a while.
Hope you all had a good friday evening =)
Hope you all had a good friday evening =)