Quiet and dark
I stand outside looking out over the area around me
It's sunday and the clock has passed midnight
The streetlights are shining down on the epmty sidewalks and roads
It's so quiet you can hear the water drops falling from the trees
I like to be outside nights like theese
ou can just sit down and think about anything
Stare out at nothing while the mind goes to another place
Sometimes I figure some things out, sometimes I don't
But that's not what's important to me
Just to have a few minutes of time for myself gives me time to think
Think about how to move forward, how to deal with hard things is life
We all have hard times in life that gets in our way
The important things is to figure out how to get past them
It's sunday and the clock has passed midnight
The streetlights are shining down on the epmty sidewalks and roads
It's so quiet you can hear the water drops falling from the trees
I like to be outside nights like theese
ou can just sit down and think about anything
Stare out at nothing while the mind goes to another place
Sometimes I figure some things out, sometimes I don't
But that's not what's important to me
Just to have a few minutes of time for myself gives me time to think
Think about how to move forward, how to deal with hard things is life
We all have hard times in life that gets in our way
The important things is to figure out how to get past them
Postat av: Anonym
Herregud.. Varför skriver du på Engelska för? Alla vet ju vem du är ändå.. Löjligt!
Postat av: Carro
Radera gärna kommentarerna! :P
Postat av: John
Varför betyder det att jag är hemlig när jag skriver på engelska? Annars kan jag ge er ett bra råd så ni slipper klaga, läs inte bloggen.